Spring Cleaning at AOV

Now that Acts of Volition is running off a new code-base, I’ll be making occasional tweaks and (hopefully) improvements.

First off, a minor design update. Comments are welcome. More changes in the weeks to come.

Two other fine sites are also now running on our spiffy new code-base (run by two co-workers and GeoURL neighbours of mine):


5 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning at AOV

  1. Tweaks and stuff are nice … I like the ‘rembmer me’ option … but change is annoying (to the reader) when it’s minor. If you’re going to change something as drastic as the width of the table on the left then you might as well go all out and do a design from scratch.

    As of right now, I’d call it convenient, easy to read, and drastically boring to look at.

    C’mon Steve, turn it up a notch. Get those juices flowin’.

  2. asdren: Thanks – the weblog platform we’re using here was developed with my friends at silverorange. We don’t plan on marketing it for a few reasons:

    • We developed with the intention of using it for ourselves – had it been a “product” from the start, we probably would have made some descisions differently.
    • It relies on part of a proprietary silverorange codebase – it isn’t something we could easily give out and let people install.
    • There are already great (some free) options for weblog platforms. I don’t even think I need to list them here.

    That said, we have gotten a few commercial inquiries in the last few weeks. We will probably be leasing hosted solutions for those that really want it.

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