Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.5 icon

As with every major release of Firefox since 1.0, I’ve had the privilege of working with Mozilla on their website updates for the new Firefox 3.5 release.

If you care about web browsers, you already know why it’s awesome, and if you don’t care about web browsers, all you need to know is that it’s better.

Even though there are loads of significant new features (audio/video, downloadable fonts, big performance improvements), my favourite feature so far is stupidly simple. When you View Source on a page, you can now click on the links to CSS and JavaScript files to view them right in the source viewer. This had made my life 0.000.1% better, which isn’t bad for a web browser.


2 thoughts on “Firefox 3.5

  1. The release of Firefox 3.5 is significantly faster than any other versions of Firefox! I enjoy the new browsing experience. I guess the same will be the case with most of you guys too. So I think we are not late in wishing a “KUDOS” to the developing team of Firefox 3.5.

  2. Even though there are several good browsers out there I stick with Firefox because of its ability to reopen windows if they crash. I could care less about all the other stuff to be honest I just love that ability.

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