I Digg a Good Gaim

In the past few weeks I’ve found myself typing “gaim” when I mean to type “game” and adding an extra “g” when I type “dig(g)”. I’ve also typed “exit” into a few chat windows when I mean to leave.

Even my muscle-memory is turning nerdy.


14 thoughts on “I Digg a Good Gaim

  1. Personally I find that the ‘cvs’ and ‘svn’ commands occupy the same spot in my muscle memory, so I can only have one of them in use at any given time. When I’ve been using svn a lot and I have to use a cvs repository, my hands type ‘svn’ even when I’m thinking ‘cvs’. It’s weird.

  2. Abe: I have the exact same problem with CVS vs. SVN. I can actually *think* “CVS” in my head, and my fingers will type “SVN”. Someone should get a grand and study me.


  3. I thought I was a nerd. I have nothing on y’all. Well, I haven’t read a word of fiction since I discovered the magic of books on .mp3. So I’m a nerd too, right? ..Right?

  4. In psychiatric terms, this is known as “perseverance”; when the rule changes, you stick to the old one.

    A good example would be moving home, and filling out a form six months later which requires you to supply your address – and you give your previous address without realising.

  5. I have my webmail password stored in muscle-memory.

    Only a few days ago, that data went corrupted, and I was basically locked out of my mail.

    I had to reproduce the password from visual memory.

    Now I’m good again.

    Yay for brains.

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