Steven’s hypocritical anti-consumerism musing of the day.*

TV is a drug. I realize that this is not a groundbreaking statement, but let me elaborate.

I have criticized my friends in the past for relying on television to help them relax at the end of the day. Some can’t even sleep until they’ve watched their half-hour of TV (it usually doesn’t matter what show in particular). I now find myself in the same sorry position. I have just gotten home from a long day at work. It’s late, and I should go to bed, but I won’t be relaxed enough to sleep until I’ve sat down for some TV.

My question is: Is there anything wrong with this?

I’m not sure myself. On one hand, it’s just like anything else people use to relax: reading, writing, tea, etc. It’s a way of giving your mind some down time. However, the key difference here is that I’m not living in a bubble. Someone (the TV networks) is selling my relaxation time to advertisers. A part of my daily routine that I sometimes rely on (as do many North Americans) to fall asleep at night is being sold to the highest bidder.

I can’t make a clear argument for why, or if, this is wrong. Maybe it’s not. I’d like to your what you think. Email me at

Anyhow, I’m off to bed. Right after I watch an episode of Newsradio (reruns on A&E!).

* The title Steven’s hypocritical anti-consumerism musing of the day is not indented to imply consistent daily musings in the future. It was simply a technique to mislead you into reading my post, which appears to have worked.