Eskimo bob

A fine website to visit for exciting snippets and great commentary from a smart person is SpinnWebe. I was prodding along his Brainshots section, enjoying myself, and I stumbled upon this one which talked about the “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” craze which I missed (living in a bubble at the time).

I was so amused by the little song-video, I sent it to an old war buddy who pointed out it was “sooo last month”. I decided to follow the handy link Spinn posted to the history of that craze I missed.

The page was interesting but not the focus of this post, the page DID have a link to Eskimo Bob a great series of Flash cartoons. I’m assuming the dudes behind it must be Canadian (I didn’t explore the page greatly, they might have posted this), because the cartoon targets us. One’s in french, another is familiar to us all (I can’t give that away).

It has the same charm as Pokey the Penguin. It’s funny because it doesn’t always make sense, and the characters have amusing titles.
