songs suggested in a largely undecipherable “if (you want) A, then (listen to) B” format.

Hipster country-folk music – “Handcuffed to a Fence in Mississippi” by Jim White. Complete with “Sha-la-la” chorus, everything is indeed peaches but the cream.

No tea with my sugar, thanks – “Heartbeat” by Tahiti 80. Best if listened to ironically, or while chasing butterflies through a sunny field.

Rhymes about mythical creatures over a chamber music loop- “The Centaur” by Buck 65. The saddest “my dick is so big” song you ever heard.If you do not already know this song you have not yet lived life.

Electronica minus all the hippy-love and glow sticks – “Rage” by Atari Teenage Riot. Set the subwoofer to 11 and prepare to be bludgeoned. None of that twee blip-pop here folks.

This post has no links. It did, but explorer crashed and I had to do a rewrite. If you want links learn how to use a search engine, you vulturous slime.